Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Twice Around Thoughts of a Re-entry Student

It is interesting, as a person who was educated in the 50's, 60's - late 90's and 2000's, to return for further education as a re-entry California State University, Bakersfield student to experience what passes for an education today (ref., 0414-2010). Today I experience a sugar coated limited education where you are taught once and are then considered an instant expert. What is bothersome, the university education of today is no more that what I experienced when I was in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight grade (ref., 1960).

Experiencing professors and educators whose only education is from text books - books that are all too often inaccurate or purposefully misleading and all to often offer a politicized agenda; it was once embarrassing that one professors wrote on the title page of my final term paper, "You know more about this subject than I do." To be honest this statement has appeared on three of my term papers. This made more embarrassing that I participated in those course because I did not have any previous experience or knowledge.

That information is presented in the text books that is all too often not validated, inaccurate or out right lies in these days and age where it is so easy to locate accurate information via information research on the Internet is more than embarrassing. To challenge the information draws the immediate attention of the professor who all to often challenges the student to public disdain and anger.

It does make one wonder, what have others experienced from their universities and of what passes for an education today?

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